Display Ad Templates: Photoshop Files

Looking for Photoshop display ad templates? We got you covered! Below, you’ll find a link to download a zip file that includes six of the most used display ad sizes. Since PEAK Targeting serves across all devices, being desktop, tablets, and mobile, we’ve provided display ad templates for cross-device targeting. These display ad templates are in Photoshop format, or a .psd. The sizes are as follows:

  • 300 x 250 ( desktop, tablet, mobile )
  • 728 x 90 ( desktop )
  • 300 x 600 ( desktop, tablet, large-format mobile devices )
  • 320 x 100 ( best for mobile / smartphones )
  • 160 x 600 ( desktop, tablet )
  • 320 x 50 ( best for tablet )

Deviation from the display ad templates dimensions will NOT serve – they need to be exact ( ex. 301 x 250 ). These are the top recommended ad sizes for our platform.

Whether you’re making a .gif, .jpg, or .png, our display ad templates will work for you. If you need more information on display ad best practices, continue scrolling. In the meantime, get to designing and start seeing results!


Display Ad Templates: Our Best Practices

We’ve consolidated some of El Toro’s top display ad best practices. Once you’ve downloaded our display ad templates above, learn all the top banner ad guidelines below:

In order to be compliant with the exchange standards and pass the creative audit, there needs to be some kind of brand identification on the creative assets that is also immediately visible on the landing page – a logo, icon, or organization name. Our display ad templates don’t come with branding, however, you can get an idea of how to structure your ads below.

If you’d like to learn more about our thoughts on Ugly ads vs. Pretty ads, check our blog post!

A great digital advertisement has four things:
1. Image
2. Messaging
3. Promotion
4. Call to Action

 As stated above, our display ad templates are in Photoshop format. However, this file will not serve unless saved as another file type. The following file types are recommended:

  • .jpg ( or jpeg )
  • .png
  • .gif ( animated image )

The following file types will NOT work:

  • .psd ( photoshop document )
  • .ai ( adobe illustrator )
  • .swf ( flash )
  • .pict

Creative File Size
For the best results with the Ad Servers, compressed images for web are preferred:

  • 40 kb per file is optimal
  • Anything greater than a 100 kb per file will NOT run, as they may be rejected by the Ad Server and not load on the user’s browser